Students from Leibniz Universität Hannover on an excursion to ILFA

A total of 16 students set off in mid-May with their professor and a research assistant to visit us at ILFA and take a close look at our production. The students from Leibniz Universität Hannover are enrolled on the nanotechnology degree programme, which they will complete with a Master of Science degree. Two of our colleagues were there exclusively for the students on the day, giving presentations, practical insights and, of course, a detailed tour of our production facilities.

Support for the domestic PCB industry: ILFA strongly supports EIPC initiative

The network is joining forces with an open letter, which is initially addressed to all member companies of the EIPC (European Institute for the PCB Community). In an urgent appeal to European government representatives to do more for domestic PCB manufacturers, the current situation of the PCB industry is highlighted and the importance of PCB as a basic technology is emphasised.