New addition to ILFA’s machine park: UCE DES line

The latest addition to our machine park required a total of three overseas containers, which were delivered and unloaded within one day. You could already guess that the new wet machine would be big, and that’s how it turned out: The DES line from the Asian manufacturer UCE has a total length of 23 meters. We had previously carried out some conversion work in the area so that the line could be optimally integrated into our production.

Higher level of automation Pt. 2: LHMT delivers four more ROBI-FLEX 2×1 to ILFA

In mid-July, we had already received six ROBI-FLEX 2×1 loaders and unloaders from LHMT and integrated them into our production. Now, in September, the next delivery took place and another four of the handling devices were installed in our OFT (surface technology). This has further increased our degree of automation, because now loading and unloading is also fully automatic on our deburring machine and on the palladium line for direct metallisation.

People at ILFA: Andy de Kimpe

Das Einzige, was aus Belgien kommt, sind Schokolade, Pommes Frites und Waffeln? Und die einzig bekannten Personen von dort sind Eddy Merckx, Hercule Poirot und Jean Claude van Damme? Nicht ganz, denn wir kennen immerhin noch Andy und der kommt gebürtig aus Dendermonde in der belgischen Provinz Ostflandern.

People at ILFA: Sven Schwerdtfeger

There are straight career paths, there are colorful employment biographies, and there are people who have already done various jobs and nevertheless, or perhaps precisely because of this, know exactly where they actually want to go. Sven also belongs to the later category. For us, Sven is something like the famous Swiss Army Knife: versatile and always there when you need him. In the ILFA operations team, he looks after our machines, the buildings and the entire technical infrastructure.